US Health Leader - José Silvosa


The client is a not-for-profit health care system operating multiple hospitals and medical clinics across seven states, which includes 51 hospitals, more than 800 non-acute facilities and numerous assisted living facilities in the Western United States.


  • Product: Dashboard.
  • Project timeline: 6 weeks.
  • My role: UX Designer.
  • Team: UX designer (me), UX designer, Copywriter and Project Manager.

inside the project

the challenge

Nurse managers throughout the health care system are overwhelmed by the multitude of conflicting tasks they must juggle in a dynamic and highly regulated clinical environment.

This causes high levels of stress among nurse managers, resulting in many cases in the management of the various tasks being more challenging than it should be.

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key objectives

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To develop a cutting-edge product that effectively combines, organizes and prioritizes the tasks and work requirements of nursing managers, thus achieving an effective management of their staff in terms of tasks, compliance, responsibilities, PTO time, regulations, training, etc. and reduce administrative burden through designing an experience that is simple, personal and intuitive, increasing time to care and job satisfaction.

desired outcomes

Develop a conceptual prototype that the product team can use for testing and iteration. The aim is to create an MVP that addresses the backend administrative challenges experienced by nurse managers. This prototype will enable the team to alleviate these burdens effectively.


  • Stem attrition of caregivers
  • Reduce burnout and create “time to care” capacity
  • Simplify caregiver experience to maximize time
  • This will be the foundation for a broader digital core leader solution
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Approach to Discovery Phase

As part of an iterative process aimed at finding the most convenient option for the client, multiple explorations were carried out on paper to converge on the best possible solution.

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Approach to Solutioning

  • Step 1 - Research
    • Conduct 1-1 interviews and focus groups to understand current pleasures and pain points
  • Step 2 – Theme & Identify
    • Synthesize interview notes into common themes, focus areas and opportunities
  • Step 3 – Prioritize & Document
    • Prioritize and align Core Working Team to potential focus areas and/or opportunities stemming from reported pain points and themes. Align areas to people, process or technology. Document the scope of each project and identify relevant business owners
  • Step 4 – Analyze
    • Review approved items with appropriate business owner. Conduct operational and/or technical assessment in partnership with business owner to define feasibility and business value metrics
  • Step 5 – Implement
    • Design and build solutions to address identified pain points. Leverage a pilot site to test solution prior to full implementation
  • Step 6 – Monitor & support
    • Monitor implemented solutions and support end users should issues arise. Focus on continuous improvement opportunities.

Current State

  • Lack of time for rounding with staff and patients
  • Difficulty using the systems
  • Too much administrative time and not enough care time
  • Need to work on Sundays due to "overwork"
  • Lack of staff and difficulties in hiring
  • Duplicated tasks caused by poorly integrated systems and competing priorities
  • Constant interruptions during tasks

Future State

  • Improve balance between administrative and care time
  • Provide mobility to the manager to perform administrative tasks on site and in real time
  • Provide an intuitive end-to-end platform that simplifies task management
  • Achieve more effective, accessible, and less intrusive communication
  • Improve and ease personnel follow-up
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